Wednesday, November 22, 2006

If you need a few extra bucks this holiday season...

You shold give this a try...

If you are going to go full out, you should set up an e-mail address that you don't mind will get some spam, as you will get spam. But I already made a couple hundred this month. I used an older credit card for the ones you need a credit card for. I have already signed up for alot of things and cancelled and have not been charged anything extra yet. Will it happen? I'm sure it will. But on the whole, I have received some books, different kinds of medicine, weight loss junk, and even some skin care stuff that my fiance likes. All of it only cost the shipping charges, which have totalled about $22 on my credit card, while I have earned over $200. They have alot of little surveys that you can do that take a minutes each and pay from 50 cents to 2 bucks. I did it at work during lunch or breaks or whatever.

I would suggest that you do the following if you are going to give this a shot...

1) Create a junk e-mail address
2) Keep really good notes and always check the terms and conditions when you do it. Write down all phone numbers needed for cancelling.
3) If you are afraid of using a credit card, get a Visa gift card. From what I have read, they work fine.

Good luck and drop me a line if you have any or post a comment here.

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